Sand dunes

At the north part of Limnos, on the west of the village Atsiki and after passing the villages Dafni and Katalakko you will discover the impressive sand dunes. It is an area of about 7 hectares called by locals “Pahies Ammoudies” (thick sand). You can reach them through an amazing route full of wild-olives, thorny burnets and asphodels from the beach of Gomati. They are important, fragile biotope protected by the Directive 92/43/EEC and offer shelter to plants and animals adapted in the hard conditions of the environment through thousands of years. The scarcity of this phenomenon lays also at the fact that these are inland dunes which change form due to the wind. The scarce vegetation constituting the flora of the region is mainly sea daffodils (Pancratium maritimum), chaste trees (Vitex agnus castus), thyme (Thymus vulgaris), and olenaders (Nerium oleander). So, if you don’t mind the heat, it is worth visiting this small desert and enjoy the serenity of its rare landscape.