Sailing & Sea Kayak

If you want to meet the island by sea, you can choose sailing or sea kayak. With a coastline reaching 259 km, havens in all over the island and a rich coastal relief the sea routes will fascinate you. Small harbors, caves with cyan waters, beautiful natural landscapes and isolated beaches for private swims and relaxation are some of what you can enjoy in a sailing boat or for those who wish to be in direct contact with the blue green waters of Limnos, a sea kayak. The strong winds in “Anemoessa” (windy) Limnos, as Homer called it, will compensate the fans of sailing, while the protected coves with the crystal-clear waters and the reflections will enchant the fans of sea kayak. If you do not own a boat, on the island you can rent either a sailing boat or a kayak. Apart from the port of Myrina, the cove of Moudros is one of the safest havens not only of the island but also of the Aegean.

At the Nautical Association of Limnos found in Romeikos Yalos of Myrina there are courses of sailing, kayaking, canoeing and rowing.
