Museums in Limnos

The historical evolution of the island of Limnos, from the Chalcolithic period to the Roman dominion, is presented at the Archaeological Museum in Myrina. The exhibition is housed in the two floors of its central building. Exhibits of prehistoric Limnos are hosted on the first floor where you will also find the Museum’s stone exhibits: sculptures, inscriptions and tombstones from the classical times up to the Roman period. On the second floor, historical finds from 8th c. B.C to the Roman times are presented. The exhibits come from the excavations of the 20th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities and the Italian Archaeological School of Athens. You can admire pottery, everyday utensils, grave goods offerings, statuettes, molds, seals, inscriptions, epigraphic evidence, bone and metal objects, jewelry, tools and coins. 

Tel.: +30 22540 22990
Admission:  €2, Reduced: €1
Opening Hours: Wednesday to Monday: 08:30 – 15:30 until February, Wednesday to Monday: 08:30 – 16:00 in March


Today the Ecclesiastical Museum is housed at the Metropolitan Mansion at Romeikos Yalos, a former residence of a wealthy man born in Egypt, Antonis Antoniadis. In its two halls, 502 holly items of Byzantine and post-Byzantine period, are exhibited: ecclesiastical vessels, surplices, books with the oldest dating back to 1558, significant icons of which the oldest one representing the Epitaph Mourning dating back to 1777, lithographies, geographic paintings, seals, embroidery, etc.

Tel.: +30 22540-22474
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday: 09:00-13:00


In the village of Portiano you can find the Folklore Museum established in 1995 by the Association of Portiano people in Athens-Piraeus and the surrounding areas. The museum is housed at a traditional building of typical popular architecture of this particular settlement. It consists of eight halls where among other things traditional folklore outfits, knitting tools and loom, everyday utensils and a kitchen with the traditional fire place are exhibited. On the second floor, you will find a traditional sitting room, a bed with hand-made wedding dresses and wonderful laces. Agricultural tools used for ploughing, mowing, threshing and harvesting are exhibited at an outdoor patio.

Tel.: +30 22540-51785
Admission: free
Opening Hours: Tuesday to Sunday: 10:00-14:00, 10:00-14.00 & 19:00-21:00 from July

The Museum of Maritime Tradition and Sponge – Fishing is located in Nea Koutali. The exhibition consists of three sections: in the first section the life of the islanders before their uprooting from Propontis is presented. In this section heirlooms and photographic archives are exhibited from the old homeland, while the second section is decoted to sponge-fishing and the sponge processing in Nea Koutali of Limnos. The exhibits of the second section are divers’ equipment, sponge fishing boat instruments, the types of sponges, processing tools and sponge packaging equipment. The archaeological collection of Nea Koutali is exhibited in the last section, consisting of objects collected by sponge fishermen from the seabed. The collection started in 1950-1960 under the initiative of the Head of the Primary School of Nea Koutali. Here you can admire a great collection of amphorae, ceramic vessels, parts of ancient anchors and other small items from ancient shipwrecks.

Tel.: +30 22540 92383
Opening Hours: Tuesday to Sunday: 10:00-14:00, 10:00-14.00 & 19:00-21:00 from July


Kondias’ Gallery of Contemporary Balkan Art was established in 2007 at the village of Kondias after an initiative of the Kondias’ Cultural Association. It is a unique collection, which includes 74 works of painters from the Balkans. Most of the painting were inspired from the island itself and were created by artist form Greece, Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Rumania, Serbia and Turkey.

Tel.: +30 22540 51425
Opening Hours: Tuesday to Sunday 10:00-14:00 (September & June), Tuesday to Sunday 10:00-14:00 & 19:00-21:00 (July & August)


The Information Centre for the History and Maritime Tradition of Moudros is found at Moudros’ harbor. It is housed at the old school building of the village, built in the late 19th century and used as an elementary school and county court. The mission of the Information Centre for the History and Maritime Tradition of Moudros is to showcase the strategic importance of the area in the Balkan Wars era and the North Aegean islands liberation as well as during World War I when it served as an Entente base for the Gallipoli campaign. It aims, by using its rich visual material, exhibits, audiovisual productions and interactive applications, to inform visitors about the two historical periods of the Balkan Wars and the Gallipoli campaign, where Moudros played an important part. Visitors have access to documents of the era, directly connected to the area and its history, while at the same time get a comprehensive picture of its importance for the ANZAC troops. Thus the Centre is a link between the other similar infrastructures of Lemnos as well as with the ANZAC veterans and their descendants that visit Moudros each year.

Opening Hours: everyday 08.00- 19.00