Petrified Forest of Limnos

The Petrified forest of Limnos is a natural creation of a special paleontological and geological interest. Its creation is certainly related to the volcanic activity of the broader region of the Aegean and extends mainly to the eastern Limnos and the regions of Roussopouli, Romano, Varos and Moudros. Moreover, impressive isolated petrified trunks are found in the areas of Kontias, Tsimandira and Portiano. These finds indicate the existence of a forest of palm trees, pine trees and giant sequoias developed in subtropical climate conditions 25 to 20 million years ago. The oldest fossil site dates back 34 to 30 million years ago.

In 2013, the Petrified forest of Limnos was declared as a protected monument of nature by the General Secretariat of Decentralized Administration of the Aegean, covering three areas of about 4.5 hectares in total, where petrified tree trunks are found. Within this framework, isolated erect or lying tree trunks, or parts of them are also protected as well as other parts of plants such as roots, leaves, fruits and seeds of subtropical vegetation. Today impressive finds by the broader region of Moudros are hosted in the former town hall of Moudros.